Thursday, May 22, 2008

Busy busy bee

Last night I met Matty after work at Mad "4" Mex for some $7 22oz Big Azz Margarita and half price wings. Mmm . . . wings. Not so mmmm . . . . the margaritas. I guess my taste has significantly refined. They are not good. I knew that the weren't good but I used to really like it. Oh well. Karla was there with friends so we got to talk to her for a bit. Then we headed to Marathon for dinner. We split a proscuitto, fresh mozzarella, arugula and pesto sandwich and a southwestern chopped cobb salad. Both were really good and nice and refreshing. Then we still had quite a bit of time to kill so we wandered around Fresh Grocer. Which is about as fun as it sounds. Finally we decided to just sit outside the theater. Everything was fine for awhile. And then a homeless-guy-from-Jersey-just-released-from-the-VA-with-no-money saw us. Even though we insisted we had no money (which we almost didn't) he insisted that that was fine. He just wanted to share the love. So first he recited a love poem. And then he sang an original composition by himself. He was actually pretty good. Matty managed to gulp down his coffee and we excused ourselves inside.

So first, the audience. Now it was a 9:50pm show of Prince Caspian (a children's movie) on a Wednesday, on an Ivy League University campus two days after commencement. So while I hate going to movies in this city, I agreed because I mean honestly, how bad could it be. Right? WRONG!!!! What is it with this city and talking through fucking movies?! Why on earth would you pay $12.50 to sit in a dark room with strangers if you were not actually going to watch and pay attention to the movie? If you absolutely MUST talk AT ALL TIMES in LOUD OBNOXIOUS ways in order to survive, STAY THE FUCK HOME! Grrrrrrr! I have no problem with laughing at funny parts, gasping at scary parts, maybe the occasional one or two word whispered comment to the person directly next to you. There is NO reason to have a conversation, about anything DURING a movie. Ugh.

So secondly, the previews. Again, this was a children's movie. So we got children's movie previews. Including Wall-E which looks adorable, Igor which looks cute and Beverly Hills Chihuahua which looks ridiculous and I cant wait to see it. Seriously. Watch the preview. It is like one of those crazy dog people made a big budget movie starring . . . chihuahuas, chihuahuas, and more chihuahuas. There is dancing. And singing. Chihuahuas.

And finally, the actual movie. I liked it, for what it was. the first one was better, but the first book was better. They toned down the religiousness but it is pretty evident. They added significant parts which was interesting since the movie was probably long enough without them. But they were pretty cool looking. They also added some humor that was unnecessary. Reepicheep was funny enough in the book. And a more pronounced love interest. But yeah, for what it was, I thought it was well done, enjoyable. I am going to reread the book quickly to remember better.

Puzzle: We've removed all the vowels from the beginning of a well-known quotation. Can you put them back where they belong?

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