Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not Dealing Well

So I have spent the good portion of the last hour almost crying at work. One of my favorite passtimes. Oh wait. That's right. I actually hate crying at work. I just do it a lot. And the reason that I have been close to crying is that I was just dressed down via twitter by a friend for being offended by commenters on a blog. I guess I should at least be grateful that it was mostly via DM. Now obviously this is not something that should actually in anyway upset me. I mean he is right of course. I should just let everything roll off my back. I should ignore the fact that there are people out there who honestly feel that it is perfectly acceptable to publicly compare breastfeeding in public to jacking off in public. And to a bowel movement. And I should be completely accepting of people calling a woman a Nazi for wanting to feed her child in a completely legal way. Obviously. They are probably just kidding anyway right? And I dont actually know these people. So why the fuck should I give a shit. Right? But I am not totally ok with those things. And so since it upset me to read these things I posted it on Twitter. Thinking that that was a place to vent about being upset by people's comments on the internet. Which was obviously a stupid thing to do since of course Twitter is only for unemotional, completely rational discussion right? Stupid me.

I am mostly blaming my inability to being called ridiculous and stupid and all "lathered up" and a pawn of an attention whore by a "friend" on PMS. It is an easy thing to blame. More correct would probably be my general inability to deal with any sort of emotional trouble recently. From dealing with an impending trip from my future in-laws. To dealing with the impending death of my Nana (metastatic breast cancer has spread to her lungs; I found out last night that we are essentially just waiting for her to die at this point). To dealing with insistent memories and thoughts of Joey. Just not dealing well with ANY of it well recently. I know I should go see someone. But I am not dealing with that idea well either.

So I am venting here. And I do actually feel better. So I guess this works for now.

In other news, we got a big new TV and a tiny new laptop. Matty's parents are coming. We finished Seasons 1 & 2 of Always Sunny in Philadelphia. We watched Last Chance Harry and Robocop. Our eggplants are getting big. We have tried a bunch of new restaurants and made cream puffs! And tried 2 new places for Sips. I will get to all that. I hope! Soon!

1 comment:

nicole said...

Sending lots of hugs. :) and I was also outraged by the comments on that article.
Don't let anyone ever tell you how you should or shouldn't feel.
Love you lots and miss you lots.