Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Can I just say Oh My God?!

People actually think this should be a 72-year old cancer survivor's heartbeat away from the presidency?!

She can't name a Supreme Court case other than Roe v Wade.
If you havent seen the rest of the Couric-Palin interview do yourself a favor and youtube it. Really. It is a bit terrifying, so you might want to make sure the lights are on.

Though it does make great comedy.

Thanks to Jawnny and Ciggitycite for keeping up on the Palin watch while I have been too busy and so making it easy to find these clips and links. I cant wait for the debate on Thursday. Biden makes me a little nervous since he tends to not think before speaking, but I am hoping for some damn good Palin moments.


Beta said...

Hah!! Lifeline, phone a friend!! Love it. But while I'm laughing, I'm crying a little inside at the thought of what could be...

nicole said...

good lord she is stooooopid. I think she has one vaughe answer for everything that if she repeats it enough people might not think she knows NOTHING about everything. K e if my fav quotes is that planes fly over Alaska from and to other countries so she has foriegn policy experience. Priceless