Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy National Battery Day!

I am glad this is a day to celebrate those little powerhouses that keep our electronics working, as opposed to beating someone up.

This will be short because I need to do something work related. But I figured I would do a quick one.

1) I added a new link to the sidebar to our friend Drew's blog, The Daily Drew. It is significantly more organized and well though out than this here. He reviews TV and movies. So check that out.

2) I am adding labels to blog posts. Hopefully that will be worth the effort.

3) Saturday is our Mardi Gras party. We have done the major shopping and are starting the cooking tomorrow. This is big. We inferited this party from my parents who had like 10 years to make it awesome. And they and 3 of their friends from RI are coming in for it. This will be my first event with them here. And it is almost all food we have never made before. And much larger quantities of food than I have ever made before. So fewer things, but more of each. So we will see. I am excited. I think it will be fun. I hope it is anyway :-).

Ok, well that is all for now.

1 comment:

nicole said...

Have you checked out I just spend an hour reading it. Thought you might enjoy it :)